
The Differences Between Gastric Sleeve Surgery And Lap Band Surgery

Starting your weight loss journey often involves crucial decisions about the type of bariatric surgery that aligns with individual health goals. Two prominent options at Obesity Control Center, Gastric Sleeve surgery and Lap-Band surgery, offer distinct approaches to achieving la...

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What To Expect After Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Surgery

Embarking on the path to weight loss through gastric sleeve bariatric surgery is a transformative decision that promises positive changes to your health and well-being. As you prepare for this life-changing procedure, it's essential to understand what to expect during the recover...

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Ozempic injection with stethoscope and food

Evaluating Ozempic for Long-Term Results

Individuals often explore various avenues in pursuing long-term weight loss, including medications like Ozempic injections. Today, we aim to dissect the effectiveness of Ozempic as a means of sustainable weight loss compared to the comprehensive and transformative approach by bar...

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Woman in loose fitting jeans

Ozempic and Semaglutide for Weight Loss: What to Consider

Medications like Ozempic and Semaglutide have emerged as potential treatment options in the quest for effective weight loss solutions. While these drugs offer promise in aiding weight management, it's crucial to approach their use with caution. Today, we will explore the consider...

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peptide semaglutide activating the glucagon like peptide-1

Ozempic Face: Understanding the Unique Phenomenon

In diabetes management, the emergence of novel medications like Ozempic has brought therapeutic benefits and a unique phenomenon known as "Ozempic face." This distinctive term refers to changes in facial appearance reported by some individuals undergoing treatment with this gluca...

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Ozempic Pen and measuring tape

Understanding the Main Side Effects of Ozempic and Semaglutide

Pharmaceutical advancements have led to innovative diabetes medications such as Ozempic and Semaglutide. These drugs belong to a class known as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists and have shown promise in helping individuals with type 2 diabetes achieve better glyc...

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GLP-1 Agonists vs Bariatric Surgery for Obesity

GLP-1 Agonists vs Bariatric Surgery for Obesity: What You Need to KnowThe Ups and Downs of Two Popular Weight Loss MethodsIf you're struggling with weight loss, you've probably heard of two big options: there are these new shots making headlines called GLP-1 agonists, and ther...

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How to Talk to Your Doctor About Weight Loss Surgery

Introduction: A Common Question in the U.S. and CanadaDo you live in the United States or Canada and think about getting weight loss surgery? You're not alone. Many people ask, "How can I talk to my doctor about this?" At the Obesity Control Center in Tijuana, Mexico, we help pe...

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Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Effective in the Long-Term?

IntroductionIf you're looking to lose weight and keep it off, you might be thinking about gastric sleeve surgery. In this blog post, we'll go over what this surgery is, who it's best for, and how well it works for long-term weight loss. We'll look at real results and what actua...

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Person cooking

What To Eat After Weight Loss Surgery

After undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, adopting a proper post-operative diet is crucial for successful weight loss and maintaining overall health. The Obesity Control Center is dedicated to helping patients achieve long-term success and well-being. In this article, we'll explor...

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